Saturday, May 4, 2013

24 hours!!!

As I checked in to the Y at lunch earlier this week on Foursquare this little reminder popped up and I realized I have been doing something consistently for 3 months. I think that right there is an accomplishment in itself. I know I am not fully prepared for this triathlon and that I could have trained harder but it is what it is. I don't use foursquare religiously and a few check ins at the downtown y were not recorded, but it was a good reminder of the work I did put in.  

I know that I did what I could and as much as I could with the time that I had available. I am a single mom that works about 48-50 hours a week, sometimes more when I have a deadline but I still made my training a priority. I swam at lunch, I would swim at night at the Y and I also got the help of my family and my ex to give me certain weekends to train. I am thankful for the support and that everyone around me has been supportive. I know that I am not prepared for the run portion of this tri and that's OK, I just want to complete it. 

I have been super busy with work, thus the extreme lapse in blogging but I didn't give up on training and I am excited about Sunday. I have had some great training rides and I am also nervous because I didn't get a trainer, I didn't take not one class, I have no idea how I will do in transitioning from one to the next and I have yet to do an open water swim because I know I don't need to do it alone and planning anything with two kids was no easy task. 

I finally have a minute to rest - today is my rest day and I am just writing to encourage anyone that were to think they have no time or that they could never do something like this - think again. Of course I was not in training to win or be the fastest but I did train to complete it and not be worthless afterward. I can't wait to post my recap blog Sunday night and good luck to the thousand other competitors that will be there bright and early tomorrow! 

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